Thursday, January 31, 2013

Key to Senior Fitness: Exercise, Eat Right

Over the Hill at age 65?  Ready for a rocker at age 70? Americans are living longer and making more of their later years.  

On key is exercise.  “Perhaps the most debilitating influence in people’s health as they age is a sedentary life, exercise of some type is all but mandatory,” Said Dr. Jerome McAndrews, spokesperson for the ACA.  Otherwise an individual may set him or herself up for broken bones, circulation problems and a myriad of other physical problems associated with aging.  Exercise can improve a person’s mobility, digestive systems, circulation and can reduce anxiety.  Adding a healthy diet and proper nutrition and you have the makings of a healthy lifestyle.  The following tips are suggested for seniors:

Walking:  Walking improves the elasticity of blood vessels, which makes them less susceptible to formation of aneurysms or rupture.  Start out slow, one third of a mile per day.  Do that for three days a week, then double the distance, working up gradually to one mile per day, three days per week.  Expect a little soreness in the calf and thighs the first week or two, if you experience more soreness, check with your chiropractor.

Stretching:  The average person should stretch to prevent the bowing or stoop caused by shortening of ligaments.  Stretch the groin muscles by sitting on the floor and bending one leg to the side and back as far as possible, or sit Indian Fashion on a cushion and watch television.  A relaxed stretch is the goal.  Stretch the back leg muscles by putting your hands on a wall, one foot flat on the floor behind you.  Then lean into the wall.  Or stand up straight and bend over. 

Eating Right:  Make sure you have a properly balanced diet.  If you take vitamins, take them with a meal.  Drink 10 eight-ounce glasses a day to help keep the kidneys active, dilute and remove toxins from the body, and replace lost fluids. 

With proper diet, exercise and stretching, you can make your golden years some of the best of your life.  Keep fit and active and there is nothing that you can’t do. 

Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“You better start swimming, or you’ll sink like a stone”
-Bob Dylan

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.


According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 1 in 2 woman over the age of 50, and 1 in 4 men in the same age group will suffer a hip fracture due to osteoporosis.  

There are currently 10 million Americans with osteoporosis, 8 million of which are women.  The cost of osteoporosis to the United States Health Care system is $43 million dollars a day.  Osteoporosis is becoming an epidemic in this country.  Perhaps the most somber statistic is that 1 in 4 women who suffer an osteoporotic hip fracture will die within one year of that fracture.  This is not a disease to be taken lightly.  As with most healthcare problems in the United States, prevention is the key.  When you are already diagnosed with osteoporosis and put on a medication such as Fosamax, it is too late.  The key is to prevent the disorder from happening.  

One important point with osteoporosis is that women build all of their bone density by the age of 20.  Thus, building bone in childhood and the teenage years becomes very important.  So, how do we build bone and prevent osteoporosis.  First, weight-bearing exercise is vastly important.  As stress is placed on a bone, the bone responds by laying down more bone to strengthen the area.  Even walking for fifteen minutes a day can positively affect bone density.  However, if the body does not have the building blocks it will not be able to make more bone.  

The building blocks to good bone density include calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D.  It is very important to build bone, but it is even more important that we aren’t taking calcium and bone out of our body as well.  Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol have all been shown to leech calcium out of your bones.  So, we must all stop smoking and drinking.  It is also important to note that osteoporosis is not just an elderly persons disease.  If we do not watch what we do, we can develop osteoporosis at a much younger age.  Getting your bone density checked is a great first step on the road to better bone health.  A bone density test can give a good starting point and a good reference point for later in life.  Most importantly, you should be evaluated by a doctor to determine your risks and treatment options.  Osteoporosis is definitely a disease you want to be ahead of.  

You do not want to be lying in bed with a fractured hip before you decide to think about your bone health.  As always, prevention is the key, get out, walk, take your vitamins, and a get a check up, before it is too late. 

Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“It is a noble work to be a nurse, and nurse the sick.  It is a great profession of physicians who relieve the suffering, but greater than all is the chiropractor who can adjust the cause of disease and get them well.”
-Dr. B.J. Palmer

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Stand Up for National Posture Month

National Posture Month.  The American Chiropractic Association sponsors this posture education campaign annually. 

The emphasis this year is on the kids.  For years, parents have told their kids to stand up straight, without really knowing why it is so important.  There are many activities that make up a child’s daily routine that can have an impact on their spinal health.  Of course, a Doctor of Chiropractic should check your children  for improper posture or improper movement regularly.

Following are some tips for the parents for the rest of the time.
  • When you lift your baby, always support his or her back and neck with your hands.
  • Use an approved car seat that supports your baby’s head and neck.  Most states require the use of car seats for children under the age of 4 and fewer than 40 lbs.
  •  Provide a firm bed for your child.  When choosing a mattress, look for one that is comfortably supportive.  Not too firm, not too soft.
  • Be selective when choosing a pillow for your older children.  A pillow should not be so thick that it causes your child’s head and neck to be propped up or angled sharply away from their body.
  • Check your child’s backpack.  Make sure the straps are padded and worn over both shoulders.  Also, weigh the contents of their backpacks; the total weight should not be more than 10 % of your child’s body weight. 
  • Be sure your children’s workstation is ergonomically designed for their size.  Most workstations are fitted for the adult members of the family and may not work properly for children.  Position the computer monitor so that the top of the monitor is at or below eye level.  Place a footrest under their feet.
  •  If your child is involved in sports, make sure all of their equipment fits properly.  Also, if they are involved in soccer, make sure they are taught how to properly head the ball to avoid injuries.
  •  Make sure your child has enough calcium included in his or her diet.  The ACA recommends one percent or skim milk for children over 2 years old and whole milk for those under 2.  Calcium is essential for healthy bones and reduces the risk of joint and muscle related injuries.
  •  Make sure your child avoids sugar loaded, caffeinated and carbonated drinks.  Caffeine can dehydrate your youngster, and the high levels of phosphorous in sodas interfere with calcium absorption.
  • Finally, make sure that your child eats a well-balanced diet and gets plenty of rest.  Consult with your chiropractor about supplements that may be appropriate for your child’s stage of growth.

Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“The longer I live the less confidence I have in drugs and the greater is my confidence in the regulation and administration of diet and regimen.”  ~John Redman Coxe ,M.D. 1800

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Health is Unhealthy

“Americans perception of Health is Unhealthy”

Answer the next three questions True or False.

  1. If you do not have symptoms, you are healthy?  T  F
  2. You should go to the doctor only when you have symptoms?  T  F
  3. When your symptoms are gone, you are well?  T  F
If you answered true to any of these questions, you have a false perception of health.  A study done by Charles Schutz, M.D. found that Americans have dangerous perception of health.  “More than anything, the study shows the need for a new definition for the word healthy,” stated Dr. Schutz.  The survey of 1,004 adults showed that 67 percent reported being physically active and only 30 percent perceived themselves being overweight.  

The reality is that 70 percent of Americans are overweight and only 30 percent get regular exercise, the exact opposite.  Americans have a false perception of how healthy they are.  Most Americans would say that they are healthy if they do not have any ongoing symptoms.  However, that definition is not only false, it is dangerous.  In fact, the first symptom of a heart attack in 40% of patients is death!!  The World Health Organization has adopted the following definition of health, “A State of optimum physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.”  

Americans definition of health seems to be ‘I feel fine.”  Dr Schutz states that is a dangerous notion that needs to be replaced by the understanding that a person is healthy only when they are living a healthy lifestyle and regularly monitoring key risk factors.  Health can be achieved and maintained when your emphasis shifts toward creating optimum function, not simply removing symptoms.  Symptoms are merely the end result of the body’s inability to function properly.  

Americans need to shift their beliefs to one of achieving optimum function, not merely controlling symptoms.  Consider the fact that our citizens spend 10% of the Nations gross national product on hospital and medical care.  We have more doctors and hospitals than nearly every other country.  Despite these facts, the World Health Organization continually rates America as having one of the lowest general health indexes of any Industrialized nation. In other words, the general health of most Americans is poor.  Dr. Charles Schutz described the results of his study, which say it best, “the results are disturbing, but not surprising.”  

Take care of yourself today, before your regret it later. Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“If you don’t aim high, if you aim for only “good enough” or “above average”, that’s precisely what you’ll get.”  -Howard Schultz

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Millions of Americans suffer from headaches.  Every day people endure throbbing pains in their head due to headaches.  

There are several different types of headaches and each need to be treated in different ways.  

There are classic migraine type headaches.  Patients with migraines typically report seeing an aura, or light disturbance, they are usually bothered by light and must sit in the dark for hours.  They may also have nausea and vomiting which will sometimes alleviate the headache.  

These headaches have varying causes and thus varying treatments.  However, once a pathological condition has been ruled out, many times patients find relief by eliminating their neck tension and taking calcium and magnesium supplementation, which helps with the blood brain balance.  Another cause of headaches is sinus problems.  Many people who get sinus infections have increased pressure in the head due to the sinus and thus also get headaches.  The only way to alleviate the headache is to alleviate the sinus pressure.  There are also cluster type headaches, which are usually felt on one side of the head only and can be accompanied with nasal problems and sweating.  

These headaches can be attributed to some type of allergic reaction or other cause.  Perhaps the most common type of headache is the tension type headache.  Tension headaches are usually felt in the shoulders and the back of the neck and usually have pressure in the front of the head and behind the eyes.  Tension headaches are caused by stress, tension, and pressure in the spinal bones of the neck.  

A study performed at Duke University sought to seek the best treatment for these types of headaches.  The researchers studied acupuncture, medications, exercise, and chiropractic.  The study found that the most effective treatment for tension type headaches was chiropractic manipulation of the neck.  Some patients also seek relief from massage and heat therapy.  Headaches can be a sign of a serious underlying condition, especially in children.  It is important to seek consultation from a doctor in order to rule out a more serious cause of your headache.  

If a headache is accompanied by double vision, dizziness, or numbness, this can be a very serious problem and you should seek emergency care immediately.  Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“When wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost, when character is lost, all is lost”
-German Motto

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Diet Fads

Today, more than ever, diet fads are becoming a part of everyone’s life.  Diets are based on everything from a person blood type; skin color, eye color, and some are based on nothing at all.  Many of these diets are about deprivation.  

The basic idea behind many of these diets is the depriving your body of something that it wants and craves.  While I don’t believe that you should eat everything that you can get a hold of, your body craves things for a reason.  A lot of times women crave chocolate at certain times of the month, that is due to the high concentration of magnesium in chocolate, a nutrient which becomes depleted.  

While there may be better ways to get magnesium, your body is very intelligent and knows what it needs to survive.  Why would you not want to listen to your own internal regulation system?  Losing weight has and always will be about eating less and exercising more.  However, depravity is not part of that equation necessarily.  Your body burns approximately 1200 calories per day while lying in bed.  If you work during the day, you can burn nearly 2000 calories a day not doing anything for exercise.  So, how many calories are you eating a day, 3000, 4000.  

The key to losing weight and maintaining that loss is to equal that balance and then to exceed the calorie intake by 500 per day.  A bottle of soda has about 250 calories in it.  Therefore, if you drank two bottles of soda a day, switch to water, you would essentially lose a pound per week if all other intakes were even.  

Small changes can make a big difference, take the longer walk to work, park your car across the parking lot, take the dog for a walk, cut out soda, little things like this can make a large impact.  Simply working out for twenty minutes a day, three to five times a week, and cutting 500 calories out of your diet every day, you will lose one to two pounds per week, healthily, happily, and without depriving your body.  

It is the little things that matter most in this world and the same applies to becoming healthy, little changes everyday, add up to big changes in the end.  Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“Every day that you aren’t getting stronger and better, you’re getting weaker and worse.” –D.A. Benton.

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Just Try Walking

While some fitness enthusiasts seek our the latest, trendiest exercise crazes, many others are returning to good, old-fashioned walking to help them feel great and get into shape.  Whether enjoying the wonder of nature, or simply the company of a friend, walking can be a healthy, invigorating experience.  And thanks to its convenience and simplicity, walking just might be right for you too.

You don’t need to become a member at an expensive gym to go walking.  All that you will need to start your walking routine is a good pair of shoes.  A sedentary lifestyle has a debilitating influence on people’s health as they age.  

Walking will accomplish all of the following and more

  • Improve cardiovascular endurance
  • Tones the muscles of the lower body
  • Burns Calories (80 if walking 2 miles per hour)
  • Reduces the risk of Cardiovascular Disease

The first item of business when beginning your walking program is to select the right pair of shoes.  

1. Make sure your shoes fit properly.  
2. Avoid high-top shoes that often cover the entire ankle, limiting your foot’s ability to move freely and naturally.  
3. Opt instead for shoes that offer your ankle a fuller range of motion.  
4. Select shoes with plenty of cushioning in the soles to absorb the impact of your walking.  

Get started with your new walking routine slowly.  Walking just 12 minutes every other day can offer important health benefits.  Walking 20 minutes every other day is even better.  But, in order to ensure your health and longevity, try working up to 30 minutes a day, five days a week.  

The following tips should help you get started safely and smoothly:

  1. Move your arms freely, in conjunction with the opposite leg
  2. Don’t stoop your head or look down as you walk
  3. Don’t carry weights or dumbbells while walking
  4. Expect a little soreness in the thighs and calves for the first week or two.  If you experience more than soreness, check with your doctor of chiropractic
  5. Walk briskly, with purpose; you must push a little to get health benefits
  6. Make sure to drink extra water when beginning a new exercise program. Ten eight-ounce glasses a day are appropriate for most people
  7. Walk on a surface with some give.  Cushioned and rubberized tracks are ideal, grass is another good surface.  Concrete surfaces and mall floors offer no give and are not ideal for walking.

If you experience pain beyond the typical muscle soreness, consult your doctor of chiropractic.  Injuries sustained during walking are not usually regional, or isolated, but tend to be more systemic.  A problem in the foot or ankle can create an imbalance in every step, leading to discomfort or injury that moves to the knees, hips, low back, or elsewhere.  Make sure to loosen up, stretch, drink lots of fluids and enjoy the lovely weather and the landscape of Panther Valley.  Have Fun!

Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

Life is not merely to be alive, but to be well.  ~Marcus Valerius Martial

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Travel Aches and Strains

Traveling can be rough on the body.  Whether you are traveling alone on business or on your way to a sunny resort with your family, long hours in a car or an airplane can leave you stressed, tired, stiff and sore.

Prolonged sitting can wreck havoc on your body.  Even if you travel in the most comfortable car or opt to fly first class, certain pressures and forces from awkward positions can result in restricted blood flow.  One of the biggest insults to your system from prolonged sitting is the buildup of pressure in the blood vessels in your lower legs.  Contracting and relaxing the muscles helps the blood flow properly. 

Here are some easy travel tips for you to try:
Warm up, Cool Down:  Treat travel as an athletic event.  Warm up before settling in your car or plane, and cool down once you reach your destination. Take a brisk walk to stretch your hamstring and calf muscles.  

In the Car:  

  • Adjust the seat so you are so close to the steering wheel as comfortably as possible.  Your knees should be at ninety degrees. 
  • Exercise your legs while driving to reduce the risk of any swelling, fatigue or discomfort.  Open your toes as wide as you can, and count to ten.  Count to five while you tighten your calf muscles, then your thing muscles, and then your gluteal muscles.  Roll your shoulders forward and back, making sure to keep your hands on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road.  
  • To minimize arm and hand tension while driving, hold the steering wheel at approximately 3 o’clock and 7 o’clock, periodically switching to 10 and o’clock.
  • While always being careful to keep your eyes on the road, vary your focal point while driving to reduce the risk of eye fatigue and tension headaches.
  • Take rest breaks.  Never underestimate the potential consequences of fatigue to yourself, your passengers and other drivers.  
  • In an Airplane
  • Stand up straight and feel the normal “S” curve of your spine.  Then use rolled up pillows or blankets to maintain that curve when you sit in your seat.  Tuck a pillow behind your back and just above the beltline and lay another pillow across the gap between your neck and the headrest.  If the seat is hollowed from wear, use folded blankets to raise your buttocks a little.  
  • Check all bags heavier than 5-10 percent of your body weight.  Overhead lifting any significant amount of weight should be avoided to reduce the risk of pain in the lower back or neck.  While lifting your bags, stand right in front of the overhead compartment so the spine is not rotated.  Do not lift your bags over your head, or turn or twist your head and neck in the process.  
  • When stowing belongings under the seat, do not force the object with an awkward motion using your legs, feet or arms. This may cause muscle strain or spasms in the upper thighs and lower back muscles.  Instead, sit in your seat first, and using your hands and feet, gently guide your bags under the seat directly in front of you.  
  • While seated, vary your position occasionally to improve circulation and avoid muscle cramps. Massage your legs and calves.  Bring your legs in, and move your knees up and down.  Prop your legs up on a book or a bag under your seat. 
  • Do not sit directly under the air controls.  The draft can increase the tension in your neck and shoulder muscles.

If you follow these simple tips, you can enjoy pain-free, safe travel.  If you do experience pain and stress on your back, doctors of chiropractic are trained and licensed to diagnose and treat problems of the spine and nervous system.  

Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

Have you more faith in a knife or a spoonful of medicine than in the power that animates the living world? –B.J Palmer, D.C.

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Learning from Old Men and Starfish

Learning from Old Men and Starfish

What a story.  It is a story I heard long ago that I should tell you about, too.  It may help change a life.  

At the first glimmer of light of dawn, a young man walked at the edge of the seashore.  There had been a storm the night before, and he knew this would be a good morning to find seashells.  With pants rolled up above his ankles, he walked along looking down for what treasures he might find.  Then the young man looked up and could barely make out a figure of a very old man ahead of him.  

The young man watched as the old man bent down to pick up an object from the sand and toss it into the surf.  As he got closer, and the light of morning began to turn the sun and sand pink, he noticed that the old man was picking up starfish that had been tossed up on the beach by the storm.  There were thousands of them, but one by one, the old man picked them up, and tossed them back into the surf.  

Nearing the old man the young man introduced himself, and said, “Excuse me, but there are thousands of starfish stranded here on the beach.  You can’t possibly make a difference!”  The old man smiled at him, and then picked up another starfish.  He tossed the starfish back into the sea.  “I certainly made a difference to that one, didn’t I son?”  That old man did make a difference, like someone made a difference for me.  

Back when I was a young man, only thirteen, I had a terrible accident.  We had our car totaled in a high-speed car accident. I had severe back spasms for hours a day. Luckily, my mother brought me to her chiropractor.  Two weeks later I felt much better, but I also had a goal in life, a purpose.  My mother and her chiropractor changed my life forever.  Many people never find their purpose throughout life.  But, I did.  I guess the point of this story is that small things can make a big difference in other people’s life.  Try to make positive things happen for others, and positive things will happen to you.  Just a small suggestion can change some body’s life forever, for the better or worse.

Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it." -Anthony J. D'Angelo

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pulling Weeds, Not Muscles

Many homeowners trade in their treadmills this time of year for exercise of the garden variety.  Bending, reaching and digging in the garden can provide a great workout, but can cause muscle injury if precautions are not taken. 

 “A warm up and cool-down period is just as important for gardening or doing yard work as it is for any other athletic activity,” states Dr. J. Michael Flynn, “stretching during those periods is essential to prevent injuries, pain, and stiffness.”

Before stretching for any activity, there are a few tips to keep in mind.  Breathe in and out slowly throughout stretching exercises; stretch gently and smoothly, do not bounce or jerk your body in any way; and stretch as far as you can comfortably.  You should not feel pain.  

The following are a few simple stretches you can try at home:

  • Stand up and prop your heel on a back door step or stool with you knee straight.  Bend forward until you feel a slight pull in the muscle at the back of the thigh, the hamstring.  Hold the position for 20 seconds, then relax.  Do it once more, then repeat with the other leg.  
  • Stand up and put your right hand against a wall or other stable surface.  Bend your left knee and grab your ankle with your left hand.  Pull your heel towards your buttocks to stretch the quadriceps muscle at the front of the thigh.  Hold that position for 20 seconds, relax and do it again, repeat with the other leg.
  • Weave your fingers together above your head with your palms up.  Lean to one side for 10 seconds to stretch the upper body, then reverse.  Repeat two or three times.
  • “Hug your best friend” Wrap your arms around yourself and rotate to one side, as far as you can go.  Hold for 10 seconds, then reverse.  Repeat two to three times.  

There are many more stretching techniques that can enhance all of your physical activities.  Look for stretching guides at your local bookstore.  Finally, be aware of your body’s form while working in the yard.  Kneel, don’t bend.  Alternate your stance and motion as often as possible to balance the muscles being used.  

When the damage is done…

If you are already feeling the aches and pains of gardening, there are ways to alleviate the pain:  Apply a cold pack during the first 48 hours of symptoms.  If the pain persists longer than 48 hours, consult a doctor of chiropractic.  Studies show that chiropractic care is more effective than traditional medical treatment for low back pain in particular.  More than 30 million Americans used chiropractic last year for these types of problems.  Most of all, have fun, enjoy the nice weather, and be safe.  

Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors.  ~Chinese Proverb

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Your Children’s Health

This month I have decided to write about children’s health issues.  In particular two health issues that have been raised lately by two new studies.  The first study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 

This study investigated high blood pressure in adolescents.  Researchers compared average systolic and diastolic blood pressure among children aged 8-17, and evaluated their body mass index.  The researches found that since 1999 blood pressure had gone up 1.4 mg Hg for systolic and 3.3 mg HG for diastolic.  

This means that overall our children have higher blood pressure at the same age than they did five years ago.  Also, the researchers noted a strong correlation between being overweight and having high systolic blood pressure.  

The study remarked that like many health problems that people feel in their fifties, they often start in childhood.  So, rather than have your children suffer heart disease in their fifties, why not start them on regular check-up, diet and exercise to prevent these problems from occurring.

The second study of significance was published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine in June.  The study looked at sleep patterns and television watching.  The first disturbing fact in the study was that 30% of children with an average age of 14, watch 3 hours or more of television per day. 

The study found that children who watched three or more hours of t.vl per day were at a significantly elevated risk for sleep problems as an early adult and into adulthood.  So, this means that by watching too much t.v. as a child, you will decrease your sleep during childhood, but also into early adulthood.  

The researches concluded by saying, “The American Academy of Pediatrics had recommended that youth not watch more than 1 to 2 hours of television per day.”  That sounds like good advice to me.  Sit with your children and play board games, read a book together, go outside for a walk.  It is very easy to dump the kids in front of the t.v., but you will find after time that you will enjoy spending time with your children and everyone will be happy and healthy. 

Don’t let your children fall victim to the same health problems that you have.  Get your children checked out early, take care of small problems before they become big problems.  Start your children off in a lifetime of good health, exercise, and fitness.  Sometimes it is amazing to me that patients will come to office for headaches, yet their child is left at home with headaches as well, not being treated.  Overall, be healthy and take care of yourself and your children.  

Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“As to disease, make a habit of two things- to help, or at least do no harm.”

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Chronic Back Pain

New research has show that the pain in your back can also be a pain in your brain. Research conducted at Northwestern University has discovered that chronic lower back pain can deteriorate brain function.  

1. The study was performed on 42 individuals, half with chronic back pain and half without.  

2. The study found that in patients with six months or longer of low back pain they had lost about 1.3 cubic centimeters of brain matter. This much loss of brain matter is equal to the amount lost in ten to twenty years of aging.  

3. The study also found that every year a person has chronic low back pain, they lose the same 1.3 cubic centimeters of brain matter.  This essentially means that for every one year that you have chronic back pain, your brain ages 10 – 20 years.  So, if you have lower back pain for 3 years, which many people have, your brain may have aged 60 years in that time.  This is some very significant research.  

Essentially, that achy low back you have been putting off for years has been slowly destroying your brain.  Dr. A. Vania Apkararian who headed the study states that six months or longer of lower back pain is accompanied by abnormal brain chemistry, indicated by chemical changes in the brain that can affect emotional assessments, decision making, and control social behavior.  Dr. Apkararian further states, “Chronic pain is a state of continuous persistent perception with associated negative affect and stress.”  This research supports what chiropractors have been saying for years.  

Your body is a highly tuned machine, and when a part of that machinery is not working properly, it disrupts the rest of your system.  If you have nerve compression in your low back, and the impulses from your brain are not allowed to travel freely down the nerves, then of course this will affect your brain.  Your brain is always monitoring the body, and if it cannot send and receive messages to a part of the body, this interferes with its system.  The nervous system is a highly tuned machine, and just like your car it needs a tune up.  

Research has now confirmed that the achy low back that you have not worried about for years is slowly destroying your brain.  Now is as good a time as any to get a check up and make sure that everything is working well.  Nobody ever looks back on life and wishes they had taken worse care of their body.  

Take care of yourself now before you regret it later! Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“Illnesses hover constantly above us, their seeds blown by the wind, but they do not set in the terrain unless the terrain is ready to receive them.”  -Claude Bernard

Dr. James Fedich

This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This article is not intended to substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Golfing Injuries

Golfers expose their bodies to a unique one-sided torque motion.  This type of motion often promotes imbalances and repetitive type injuries.  

According to an article in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, at any given time, 30% of all professional golfers are playing injured.  Although this is a staggering number, it is estimated that amateur golfers are at an even higher risk of being injured.  

Robert Gaines M.D., F.A.C.S. stated, “Weekend golfers subject their backs to higher loads, greater muscular efforts, higher disc pressures, facet loading, and muscle tearing.”  What this statement means in plain English is that golf motion produces a large amount of pressure and strain on the low back, which can cause injury.  The saddest part about this information is that the majority of these types of injuries are preventable.  

The three major causes of low back injuries in golfers are de-conditioning, lack of proper flexibility, and improper swing mechanics.  These three factors are all easily prevented with proper stretching and training. nImproper low back spinal mechanics can contribute to the increased likelihood of injury.  If your spine is inflexible or is moving incorrectly, this forces other areas of your body to compensate and increase motion. 

This in turn can cause injuries to other parts of your body such as the neck and shoulders.  It is important to realize that every part of your body works together in order for you to perform a very complicated golf swing.  It is also invaluable for you to stretch before picking up a golf club.

Your per tee time stretch should began at home before you start for the golf course.  It is important to perform stretches such as the cat stretch, the lying twist, hamstring stretch and quadriceps stretching before you leave home.  It is also important to perform some stretching on the putting green before you tee off.  One easy stretch is to put your driver behind your shoulders and slowly twist to each side in order to loosen up your low back.  

It is important to loosen up before any physical activity, don’t forget that golf is a maximum-effort, maximum ability sport and should be treated as such. With a little stretching and training I am sure that you will be able to beat my scores on the golf course.

Consult a Doctor for further information about stretching and flexibility. Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.”  -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Dr. James Fedich

This article is not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease.  This article is not intended to substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

For Your Health-Arthritis

With the American Population reaching ever-increasing age arthritis is on the verge of becoming an epidemic in this country.  Arthritis can be a disabling and crippling disease that forces thousands of Americans to become bedridden.  

Arthritis takes on two distinct forms.  

There is the more common type of arthritis, non-inflammatory arthritis.  The most prevalent type of non-inflammatory arthritis is degenerative or osteoarthritis.  This type of arthritis is typically thought of as part of aging or just getting old.  However, osteoarthritis is not a part of the normal aging process, it is due to improper biomechanics, previous injuries, lack of nutrition and exercise.  

Osteoarthritis is generally a preventable disease.  On the other hand, inflammatory arthritis is very different.  The most common type of inflammatory arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis.  Rheumatoid arthritis is a genetic disease, which commonly affects women in there 40’s.  Rheumatoid arthritis must be treated with medication.  

Other common types of inflammatory arthritis included Reiter’s disease, Psoriatic arthritis, and Enteric Arthritis.  Inflammatory arthritis is a more serious form of arthritis and is accompanied with swelling, heat, and difficult movement.  Inflammatory arthritis is treated with medications, commonly steroids, and cyrotherapy, or cold treatment.  Osteoarthritis or non-inflammatory arthritis is treated with gentle exercise, stretching, strengthening, and usually heat is a more palliative treatment.  It is very important to distinguish between the two types due to the fact that the treatment between the two diseases is very different.  

Osteoarthritis can be managed conservatively without drugs or surgery, however, as with most diseases, prevention is the key.  Keeping a healthy diet, exercising on a regular basis, taking your vitamins, and keeping in shape are vitally important in the prevention of osteoarthritis.  Proper vitamin supplementation should include a good multivitamin, glucosomine chondroitin for proper joint health, and calcium magnesium for proper bone health.    

The most significant step we can all take to prevent arthritis and to minimize the symptoms of arthritis is to keep moving.   Remember that movement is life, keep moving!!!  You can call us at (908) 813-8200.

“You become very serious when you have a big problem, without realizing that you are always creating problems.”
-Shunryu Suzuki

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.