Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Health is Unhealthy

“Americans perception of Health is Unhealthy”

Answer the next three questions True or False.

  1. If you do not have symptoms, you are healthy?  T  F
  2. You should go to the doctor only when you have symptoms?  T  F
  3. When your symptoms are gone, you are well?  T  F
If you answered true to any of these questions, you have a false perception of health.  A study done by Charles Schutz, M.D. found that Americans have dangerous perception of health.  “More than anything, the study shows the need for a new definition for the word healthy,” stated Dr. Schutz.  The survey of 1,004 adults showed that 67 percent reported being physically active and only 30 percent perceived themselves being overweight.  

The reality is that 70 percent of Americans are overweight and only 30 percent get regular exercise, the exact opposite.  Americans have a false perception of how healthy they are.  Most Americans would say that they are healthy if they do not have any ongoing symptoms.  However, that definition is not only false, it is dangerous.  In fact, the first symptom of a heart attack in 40% of patients is death!!  The World Health Organization has adopted the following definition of health, “A State of optimum physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.”  

Americans definition of health seems to be ‘I feel fine.”  Dr Schutz states that is a dangerous notion that needs to be replaced by the understanding that a person is healthy only when they are living a healthy lifestyle and regularly monitoring key risk factors.  Health can be achieved and maintained when your emphasis shifts toward creating optimum function, not simply removing symptoms.  Symptoms are merely the end result of the body’s inability to function properly.  

Americans need to shift their beliefs to one of achieving optimum function, not merely controlling symptoms.  Consider the fact that our citizens spend 10% of the Nations gross national product on hospital and medical care.  We have more doctors and hospitals than nearly every other country.  Despite these facts, the World Health Organization continually rates America as having one of the lowest general health indexes of any Industrialized nation. In other words, the general health of most Americans is poor.  Dr. Charles Schutz described the results of his study, which say it best, “the results are disturbing, but not surprising.”  

Take care of yourself today, before your regret it later. Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“If you don’t aim high, if you aim for only “good enough” or “above average”, that’s precisely what you’ll get.”  -Howard Schultz

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.

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