Friday, March 15, 2013

What you can do to prevent Swine Flu

America has had an increasing amount of deaths due to swine flu, creating a great amount of worry and concern. Now, more than ever a proper functioning immune system and proper hygiene techniques are needed. By being a little more proactive about your health, you can greatly reduce your risk of serious illness such as the swine flu.

There are thousands of confirmed cases of swine flu in the United States with the first death being reported on a 23-month-old toddler in Texas, with more cases spaning all age groups. . In Mexico,thousands of reported deaths from the disease. As of today, there is no vaccine available for swine flu, and CDC experts state it will be a minimum of two months before one is available. Although the number of cases reported is alarming, in the United States alone, approximately 36,000 people die every year from normal flu related illness.
"The swine flu cases are scary, however the cases are still very minor, but like with any health issue, being pro-active is always the best course," states Dr. James R. Fedich, local wellness expert. We have become dependent on modern medicine and vaccinations to help prevent disease. However, even the experts are recommending good old-fashioned techniques to boost our immune system and prevent disease. The immune system is our bodies own built in defense system against foreign bodies.
Our bodies immune system is an amazing system that kills millions of harmful 'bugs' every day. By taking simple measures to increase and maintain its properties, we can help avoid serious illness. "Healthy people with healthy immune systems rarely get sick," states Dr. Fedich.
Simple tips to help decrease our chances of swine flu, or any illness, are taking our daily vitamin, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, supplementing our diet with immune boosting herbs such as Echinacea and goldenseal, vitamin C, drinking lots of clean water, and aerobic exercise. It has been shown that 20 minutes of aerobic exercise a day, can greatly increase our bodies' own immune system and help our body fight germs. Everyone doesn't need a gym membership; just talk a walk around the block every day after dinner. Also, it has been shown that people with physical pain and problems have increased sickness and a decreased immune system. Consult a chiropractor for any aches and pains, and getting adjusted regularly has been shown to increase immune system response.
Last, but certainly not least, cleanliness is vitally important. Nothing has been shown to decrease disease transmission better than simply washing our hands. Many people do not wash their hands properly, or enough. It is recommended to do hand washing every time we eat, go to the bathroom, and periodically throughout the day. Not just a rinse, but also a few minutes under the sink with warm, soapy water. Hand sanitizers do help, however, nothing beats soap and water.
As with any health problem, an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure. Keep clean, boost your immune system, and live a healthy life. Dr. James Fedich is a certified Wellness Coach in Allamuchy, NJ and a practicing chiropractor; you may call Dr. Fedich at (908) 813-8200 or email him at

Dr. James Fedich

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