Thursday, April 11, 2013

Health care reform and doctors challenges

Healthcare changes are coming, whether Doctors like it or not! Obamacare is here and the changes are just beginning. These changes are going to be effecting everyone in this country. Like it or not, healthcare reform is here. One thing is for show, things are going to change! Doctors in this country have been seeing their incomes drop and paperwork going up. I am always an optimist, however, I have never seen the government get involved in anything and cause less paperwork and more money. I can be assured that there will be more paperwork and probably a little less money for doctors.
Doctors have seen decreasing incomes over the past few years, even longer. The so-called Mercedes 80’s are long long gone! I wasn’t even ever around to experience it. Well, what does this mean. No one really knows what healthcare reform will bring. Healthcare reform will add many new patients to the market, making more patients available to the average doctor. The question will be, how will the reimbursement be, and how much work will it be.  In my experience with certain insurances run by states or federal government, pay tends to be much lower and paperwork much higher. I stopped accepting Medicaid in my office years ago because it was costing me more to file claims and do paperwork than it was paying!

This type of scenario will probably be pretty likely in the future. Some of the new federal rules will require more paperwork and less reimbursement. It will be a difficult decision to decide which ones to accept and which to not. Doctors assume they don’t have a particular cost with each patient, but they are wrong. Every patient costs money, whether it is just doctor and staff time, wear and tear on your equipment, and many procedures have fixed costs, supplies, medications, etc. It is not free to treat a patient. You should try to figure out your costs per patient visit, this is not always possible, but it can be. Figure it out, or guestimate the best you can.
So, what are doctors going to do. Things will change and you better change as well. The paperwork will be burdensome, and you better figure it out. If it matches the trends we are seeing now, there will be more. The big thing with these forms, paperwork, etc, is that someone probably already did it. Why re-invent the wheel? The appeal letter you need, office form you need, letter of discipline you need, someone probably already wrote it! Why would you spend hours fixing it yourself? There are two things you are allowed to do in your practice. 1. Treat Patients. 2. Work on your business. Don’t do anything else. 

I can say this, of course, because I was a terrible offender. I would spend days working on a PowerPoint for presentation, writing an appeal letter, staff disciplinary letter, something. I spent many hours on this, and I did it well. However, it was not a great way to spend time. But, since I was good at it, everyone always asked me for my paperwork. I didn’t mind helping friends, but I figured there had to be another way. I couldn’t find anything, so I decided I would have to make something. So, I had a web developer make me site that would allow docs to buy, sell, and trade paperwork, spreadsheets, PowerPoint’s, just about anything you would need. The site is called Docs Pay Docs and it could change your practice.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Low back pain and chiropractic care

What can chiropractors do for low back pain? Well, lets start at the beginning. Why do Americans have so many back problems? It is said that 8 out of 10 people in this country will have a bout of low back pain. It causes the most missed days of work, and it is the most expensive health problem in this country. It is a debilitating condition that can cause disability, years of pain, needless suffering, even drug abuse from using pain killers and even death. It is a huge problem in this country. The reasons are many, but some of the biggest reason for low back pain is: our standing upright on a frame that was meant to be on all fours, sedentary lifestyle, and poor health.

Without getting too much into anatomy, lets talk about the spine. The human spine has three curves, you will notice the mid back curves out and the neck and back curve in so to speak. Now, we can get more technical, but that is fine for us. If you look at your dog or cat, you will see that their spine is one smooth curve. This is basically the same anatomy as our spine; just they walk on all fours. Walking on 2 legs with a spine meant for 4 causes the curves, which cause a lot of pressure on our spine!

The next reason for poor spine health is our sedentary lifestyle. We sit. We sit in the car driving to work, we sit at work all day, then sit in the car, now its 11 hours sitting, we sit and eat dinner, and then we sit in front of the TV. We sit way too much! This causes all sorts of health problems, but the spine doesn’t move, it doesn’t work well, In addition to the weight gain and just pressure on the spine, the discs of the spine actually only get nutrients when we move. There is no blood supply to the discs, so they need nutrients; the only way to get healthy fluids is by moving. They are like a jelly donut, if you let the inside dry out, there is no cushion for the spine. This causes a lot of health problems.

Last but not least is just our overall poor health. 3 out of 4 every American adults are now overweight or obese. Of course carrying this extra weight causes extra pressure on the spine, and causes more back pain. Also, bad health means bad circulation, bad blood flow and poor healing. Also, the modern American Diet is very inflammatory. The average diet is full of grains, pasta, and bread, which are high in omega 6 fatty acids. We have all heard of how good omega 3 fatty acids are for anti –inflammation, like fish oil. Well, omega 6 is the opposite. A healthy body has equal amounts of omega 6 and omega 3, the average American contains 20 to 1 ratio. This promotes inflammation in the body and causes problems.

So, what is the answer. We can’t all quit working and walk around all day, not drive, and walk on all fours? Some back problems can be improved with better exercise, better nutrition and lifestyle changes. However, because we walk on two legs, and are forced to sit all day, we are going to need some help! This is why you have to get a chiropractor to help you! Chiropractic care will allow your spine to move properly, releasing pressure. Even if your spine feels fine, keeps it moving with chiropractic care. If your having a problem, the first place you should go is to a chiropractor. Once you go, keep it up and go regularly. We run the busiest and best chiropractic clinic in Northwest New Jersey, offering spinal decompression, cold laser, multiple doctors, vibration therapy, physical therapist and  more.

Dr. James Fedich

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Osteoporosis and You

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 1 in 2 woman over the age of 50, and 1 in 4 men in the same age group will suffer a hip fracture due to osteoporosis.

There are currently 10 million Americans with osteoporosis, 8 million of which are women. The cost of osteoporosis to the United States Health Care system is $43 million dollars a day. Osteoporosis is becoming an epidemic in this country. Perhaps the most somber statistic is that 1 in 4 women who suffer an osteoporotic hip fracture will die within one year of that fracture. This is not a disease to be taken lightly. As with most healthcare problems in the United States, prevention is the key. When you are already diagnosed with osteoporosis and put on a medication such as Fosamax, it is too late. The key is to prevent the disorder from happening. 

One important point with osteoporosis is that women build all of their bone density by the age of 20. Thus, building bone in childhood and the teenage years becomes very important. So, how do we build bone and prevent osteoporosis. First, weight-bearing exercise is vastly important. As stress is placed on a bone, the bone responds by laying down more bone to strengthen the area. Even walking for fifteen minutes a day can positively affect bone density. However, if the body does not have the building blocks it will not be able to make more bone. The building blocks to good bone density include calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. 

It is very important to build bone, but it is even more important that we aren’t taking calcium and bone out of our body as well. Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol have all been shown to leech calcium out of your bones. So, we must all stop smoking and drinking. It is also important to note that osteoporosis is not just an elderly persons disease. If we do not watch what we do, we can develop osteoporosis at a much younger age. Getting your bone density checked is a great first step on the road to better bone health. A bone density test can give a good starting point and a good reference point for later in life. 

Most importantly, you should be evaluated by a doctor to determine your risks and treatment options. Osteoporosis is definitely a disease you want to be ahead of. You do not want to be lying in bed with a fractured hip before you decide to think about your bone health. As always, prevention is the key, get out, walk, take your vitamins, and a get a check up, before it is too late. 

“It is a noble work to be a nurse, and nurse the sick. It is a great profession of physicians who relieve the suffering, but greater than all is the chiropractor who can adjust the cause of disease and get them well.”
-Dr. B.J. Palmer

Dr. James Fedich

This article is not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease. This article is not intended to substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Friday, March 15, 2013

What you can do to prevent Swine Flu

America has had an increasing amount of deaths due to swine flu, creating a great amount of worry and concern. Now, more than ever a proper functioning immune system and proper hygiene techniques are needed. By being a little more proactive about your health, you can greatly reduce your risk of serious illness such as the swine flu.

There are thousands of confirmed cases of swine flu in the United States with the first death being reported on a 23-month-old toddler in Texas, with more cases spaning all age groups. . In Mexico,thousands of reported deaths from the disease. As of today, there is no vaccine available for swine flu, and CDC experts state it will be a minimum of two months before one is available. Although the number of cases reported is alarming, in the United States alone, approximately 36,000 people die every year from normal flu related illness.
"The swine flu cases are scary, however the cases are still very minor, but like with any health issue, being pro-active is always the best course," states Dr. James R. Fedich, local wellness expert. We have become dependent on modern medicine and vaccinations to help prevent disease. However, even the experts are recommending good old-fashioned techniques to boost our immune system and prevent disease. The immune system is our bodies own built in defense system against foreign bodies.
Our bodies immune system is an amazing system that kills millions of harmful 'bugs' every day. By taking simple measures to increase and maintain its properties, we can help avoid serious illness. "Healthy people with healthy immune systems rarely get sick," states Dr. Fedich.
Simple tips to help decrease our chances of swine flu, or any illness, are taking our daily vitamin, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, supplementing our diet with immune boosting herbs such as Echinacea and goldenseal, vitamin C, drinking lots of clean water, and aerobic exercise. It has been shown that 20 minutes of aerobic exercise a day, can greatly increase our bodies' own immune system and help our body fight germs. Everyone doesn't need a gym membership; just talk a walk around the block every day after dinner. Also, it has been shown that people with physical pain and problems have increased sickness and a decreased immune system. Consult a chiropractor for any aches and pains, and getting adjusted regularly has been shown to increase immune system response.
Last, but certainly not least, cleanliness is vitally important. Nothing has been shown to decrease disease transmission better than simply washing our hands. Many people do not wash their hands properly, or enough. It is recommended to do hand washing every time we eat, go to the bathroom, and periodically throughout the day. Not just a rinse, but also a few minutes under the sink with warm, soapy water. Hand sanitizers do help, however, nothing beats soap and water.
As with any health problem, an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure. Keep clean, boost your immune system, and live a healthy life. Dr. James Fedich is a certified Wellness Coach in Allamuchy, NJ and a practicing chiropractor; you may call Dr. Fedich at (908) 813-8200 or email him at

Dr. James Fedich

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Your childrens health

The health of the general public has been declining steadily over the years. Obesity is on the rise, diabetes is on the rise, and all kinds of health relatd problems are increasing. This has become common knowledge to the general public. However, what often gets missed is the alarming rate of health problems in children. I have written about two recent treands in childrens health that I think bear mentioning.

In particular two health issues that have been raised lately by two new studies. The first study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. This study investigated high blood pressure in adolescents. Researchers compared average systolic and diastolic blood pressure among children aged 8-17, and evaluated their body mass index. The researches found that since 1999 blood pressure had gone up 1.4 mg Hg for systolic and 3.3 mg HG for diastolic. This means that overall our children have higher blood pressure at the same age than they did five years ago. Also, the researchers noted a strong correlation between being overweight and having high systolic blood pressure. The study remarked that like many health problems that people feel in their fifties, they often start in childhood. So, rather than have your children suffer heart disease in their fifties, why not start them on regular check-up, diet and exercise to prevent these problems from occurring.

The second study of significance was published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine in June. The study looked at sleep patterns and television watching. The first disturbing fact in the study was that 30% of children with an average age of 14, watch 3 hours or more of television per day. The study found that children who watched three or more hours of t.vl per day were at a significantly elevated risk for sleep problems as an early adult and into adulthood. So, this means that by watching too much t.v. as a child, you will decrease your sleep during childhood, but also into early adulthood. The researches concluded by saying, “The American Academy of Pediatrics had recommended that youth not watch more than 1 to 2 hours of television per day.” That sounds like good advice to me. Sit with your children and play board games, read a book together, go outside for a walk. It is very easy to dump the kids in front of the t.v., but you will find after time that you will enjoy spending time with your children and everyone will be happy and healthy.

Don’t let your children fall victim to the same health problems that you have. Get your children checked out early, take care of small problems before they become big problems. Start your children off in a lifetime of good health, exercise, and fitness. Sometimes it is amazing to me that patients will come to office for headaches, yet their child is left at home with headaches as well, not being treated. Overall, be healthy and take care of yourself and your children. 

“As to disease, make a habit of two things- to help, or at least do no harm.”

Dr. James Fedich

This article is not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease. This article is not intended to substitute for the advice of a doctor.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Magnesium and Heart Health

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. Magnesium is commonly associated with bone health, but the body only uses about 50% of its magnesium supply for bone health. 
The other 50% is mainly stored in the organs and about 1 percent is in the blood. Magnesium is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in the human body. One of the major reactions helps to regulate blood pressure and heart health. In fact, WebMd states that magnesium is one of the top five most important minerals for a healthy heart. Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and any methods we can use to stem the risk are vastly important.

Magnesium has several roles as related to heart health. First, magnesium has been shown to help relax smooth muscles. Relaxation of smooth muscles is important, as the heart is the largest smooth muscle. Studies have shown that giving patients magnesium after a heart attack has been shown to decrease the death rate and help improve healing times by relaxing the heart muscles. “Intravenous magnesium, when given as soon as possible after a heart attack, decreases death rate, says Julian Whitaker, M.D. In a British study, 2000 heart attack victims had either IV magnesium sulfate or a saline solution within 24 hours of a heart attack. Patients who got the magnesium had 24 percent fewer deaths. One to five years later, the cardiovascular death rate was 21 percent lower in those who had the IV magnesium”

Other studies have shown a positive effect between magnesium supplementation and lower blood pressure. In fact, hypertension or high blood pressure is the leading cause of heart attack, heart disease, and death. Hypertension is one of the largest killers in this country. The method for the magnesium to help with hypertension is first helping to relax the smooth muscles of the heart and also the arteries. Furthermore, magnesium is an essential in the chemical reactions of the human heart.

 In Fact “A 2009 Korean study found that those in the study who took 300 milligrams of magnesium a day for three months had significant reduction in blood pressure readings compared to those who took a placebo. Systolic/diastolic pressures fell 17.1/6.7 mmHg for those who took magnesium and only 3.4/0.8 in the placebo group. Whitaker also says that a "meta-analysis" of 20 clinical trials showed that for each 240 milligrams of magnesium taken, subjects blood pressure dropped by an average of 4.3/2.3 mmHg.” (Health & Healing newsletter, August 2009, by Julian Whitaker, M.D.)

Besides the direct health benefits of magnesium on the heart and hypertension, several studies have shown that magnesium can be one of the best natural stress reducers. Everyone knows that stress can increase the chances or even cause heart problems. Thus, any method to help reduce stress can be of great importance (All risk factors for heart disease can be simply explained as a magnesium deficiency.” 
Seelig, M. S. and A. Rosanoff (2003). The Magnesium Factor. New York, Avery Penguin Group.)

Magnesium has a trifold affect on heart disease, it can be used to relax the smooth muscles of the heart, reduce the stress of the body, and help in the chemical reactions of the heart. Supplementation of Magnesium can be vastly important, as some have stated that 90 percent of people do not have the adequate amount of magnesium in their diet and may be suffering from symptoms of low magnesium levels. Supplementation is always a good idea, and there are also good food sources available. The best food sources of magnesium are vegetables like buckwheat, lima beans, navy beans, kidney beans, green beans, soy beans black-eyed peas, broccoli, spinach, Swiss chard, oats, whole barley, millet, bananas, blackberries, dates, dried figs, mangoes, watermelon, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazel nuts, shrimp, and tuna. 

Consult with your chiropractor, nutritionist, or medical doctor before beginning any new supplementation program.

Dr. James Fedich

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to Avoid Traveling Aches and Pains

“Travel Aches and Strains”

Traveling can be rough on the body. Whether you are traveling alone on business or on your way to a sunny resort with your family, long hours in a car or an airplane can leave you stressed, tired, stiff and sore.

Prolonged sitting can wreck havoc on your body. Even if you travel in the most comfortable car or opt to fly first class, certain pressures and forces from awkward positions can result in restricted blood flow. One of the biggest insults to your system from prolonged sitting is the buildup of pressure in the blood vessels in your lower legs. Contracting and relaxing the muscles helps the blood flow properly.

Here are some easy travel tips for you to try:

Warm up, Cool Down:  Treat travel as an athletic event. Warm up before settling in your car or plane, and cool down once you reach your destination. Take a brisk walk to stretch your hamstring and calf muscles.

In the Car: Adjust the seat so you are so close to the steering wheel as comfortably as possible. Your knees should be at ninety degrees.

  • Exercise your legs while driving to reduce the risk of any swelling, fatigue or discomfort. Open your toes as wide as you can, and count to ten. Count to five while you tighten your calf muscles, then your thing muscles, and then your gluteal muscles. Roll your shoulders forward and back, making sure to keep your hands on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road. 
  • To minimize arm and hand tension while driving, hold the steering wheel at approximately 3 o’clock and 7 o’clock, periodically switching to 10 and o’clock.
  • While always being careful to keep your eyes on the road, vary your focal point while driving to reduce the risk of eye fatigue and tension headaches.
  • Take rest breaks. Never underestimate the potential consequences of fatigue to yourself, your passengers and other drivers. 
  • In an Airplane
  • Stand up straight and feel the normal “S” curve of your spine. Then use rolled up pillows or blankets to maintain that curve when you sit in your seat. Tuck a pillow behind your back and just above the beltline and lay another pillow across the gap between your neck and the headrest. If the seat is hollowed from wear, use folded blankets to raise your buttocks a little. 
  • Check all bags heavier than 5-10 percent of your body weight. Overhead lifting any significant amount of weight should be avoided to reduce the risk of pain in the lower back or neck. While lifting your bags, stand right in front of the overhead compartment so the spine is not rotated. Do not lift your bags over your head, or turn or twist your head and neck in the process. 
  • When stowing belongings under the seat, do not force the object with an awkward motion using your legs, feet or arms. This may cause muscle strain or spasms in the upper thighs and lower back muscles. Instead, sit in your seat first, and using your hands and feet, gently guide your bags under the seat directly in front of you. 
  • While seated, vary your position occasionally to improve circulation and avoid muscle cramps. Massage your legs and calves. Bring your legs in, and move your knees up and down. Prop your legs up on a book or a bag under your seat.
  • Do not sit directly under the air controls. The draft can increase the tension in your neck and shoulder muscles.
If you follow these simple tips, you can enjoy pain-free, safe travel. If you do experience pain and stress on your back, doctors of chiropractic are trained and licensed to diagnose and treat problems of the spine and nervous system. 

Have you more faith in a knife or a spoonful of medicine than in the power that animates the living world? –B.J Palmer, D.C.

Dr. James Fedich

This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This article is not intended to substitute for the advice of a doctor.