Thursday, February 28, 2013

Small Town Doctor Releases Confidential Car Accident Report

“Small Town Doctor Releases Confidential Car Accident Report”

(Allamuchy, NJ) March 10, 2010. A small town Allamuchy doctor has written and is releasing a confidential car accident victim report entitled “What the insurance companies don’t want you to know about auto accidents” and is offering it to local residents for a limited time.

Every 13 minutes someone is killed in an auto accident in the United States. In fact, death by accident is the number one cause of deaths for people 20 to 35. In addition to these sobering statistics, 2.9 million people are injured every year in auto accidents. Some of these injuries are minor, some are very major and require surgery. Unfortunately for many, they do not always get the right treatments they need.

“Often people have an auto accident, don’t realize the extent of their injuries till months or even years later, stated Dr Fedich, “ and then the problems can be so severe the cant be helped, or they will have to pay for care out of their own pocket.

There are currently thousands of auto accident victims who are living a life of misery and pain because they did not learn their rights and options as auto accident victims. Dr Fedich’s new report answers these questions. To get a copy of his free report entitled, “What you need to know if you have been in an auto accident,” call the toll free recorded hotline at 1-866-760-2383.

Dr. James Fedich

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