Saturday, February 2, 2013


Are you stressed out?  

Are one of the many of us who are overworked, taking on too many responsibilities, watching the kids, worrying about bills.  Are you juggling a full time job, three kids, mortgage payments, long hours in the car commuting to work, trouble with the bills.  We live in a very stressful environment.  

Most likely you are suffering from stress.  Do you know the seven major signs of stress?  The seven signs of stress in the body are; headaches, fatigue, tension in the neck, shoulders, or low back, sleeping problems, irritability or mood swings, digestive troubles, and allergy or sinus problems.  How many of you are suffering from at least one, if not all, of these afflictions.  

These seven symptoms are a sign from your body, telling you that it is not coping well with the stress we inflict on ourselves.  Our body is amazingly adept at ignoring signals of dysfunction.  For example, the human brain ignores 99% of all pain signals it receives.  Your body will try it’s very hardest to correct any problems it is having on it’s own. At some point however, the interference in your body by these stress factors is too much for it to overcome.  Therefore, if your body is showing one of these signs, it is time to do something about it. 

What causes us stress you ask?  There are three major causes of stress to the human body.  They are physical stress, emotional stress, and chemical stress.  Examples of physical stress include poor posture, bad ergonomics, poor sleeping habits, prior injuries, and over activity.  Chemical stress is often caused by improper nutrition, poor eating habits, and medications.  Emotional stress is caused by events in life that cause us worry and stress.  Long gone are the days when doctors thought that emotion played no role in health  Many studies have documented the link between thought patterns and health.  All three of these causes can be prevented or treated once they are known.  The first step is to discover which type of stress is affecting your body.  More often than not, more than one type of stress is at work in your body.  

Relaxation, proper sleep habits, proper nutrition, and exercise are some of the best ways to eliminate stress.  However, once the signs and symptoms appear and it is affecting your daily life, it is time to do something about it.   

Ask your Chiropractor today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

“You can’t just sit there wishing and hoping, you have to do something.”
-Dr. David Singer, chiropractor

Dr. James Fedich

This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a doctor.

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