Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Radiation in Japan and You!

With the recent events in Japan, many questions have come to light about how safe radiation is for the human body, how much is safe, and what can be done to prevent and treat radiation. I will attempt to answer some of these questions from a medical and alternative point of view.

Many people ask what exactly does radiation do to the human body. Without getting too scientific, radiation causes ionization of the cell. Basically, the radiation particles speed up the cells, causing the bonds to break between them. This is particularly important at the cellular level. The radiation causes individual cells DNA to split. This can cause irreversible DNA damage, which can cause any sort of difficulty to cells. Not allowing them to replicate properly, or not performing their jobs properly. This can even effect cells in future generations, and since it affects DNA, future offspring’s as well.

Radiation exposure can have many ill effects on humans. We are always getting some radiation to our bodies. We get radiation when we fly, when we get x-rays, even minor amounts from our household appliances. But when levels reach higher concentrations, severe damage can occur. The most common and series effect of radiation is cancer. Cancer is mutation of cells gone awry, since radiation mutates the cell by changing the DNA, it can cause cancer. Cancer is when the mutated cells continue to grow and replicate over time. Short term changes can occur from acute radiation. These things include radiation burns, sickness, and organ failure and shutdown, with high enough levels death.

Radiation will affect the weaker individual more. If some radiation gets into the body and effects the cells, a healthy body will destroy the cells. However, if a person’s immune system is not working properly, such as chronically sick, HIV positive, immunosuppressed, or other chronic illness, the body will not be able to defend itself. As with most conditions, the sick, elderly, and very young are most in danger due to the weaker immune systems.

Some radiation damage will be controlled by the body using the defense mechanisms we have built in. However, too much exposure cannot be overcome by the body. Radiation exposure is measured in Rem. Some say that any rems can be dangerous, some say that some exposure is actually good for the body. 

Some documented effects include:

  • 70 rems, vomiting
  • 75 rems hairloss
  • 90 rems diarrhea
  • 100 rems hemorrhage
  • Over 400 rems over a 2 month period will most likely result in death. 
  • Over 1000 in quick death.

Once patients are exposed to radiation they should most likely seek medical care. Any more than an x-ray or any acute exposure should be investigated There are many anecdotal stories and home remedies people have used, and many may bear some merit. However, the only recommended and documented self-treatment for radiation exposure is iodine supplementation. Iodine supplementation is used on an acute basis after or immediately before radiation exposure. Iodine will stimulate the thyroid gland and offer some protection from radiation. The thyroid gland is very susceptible to radiation damage, so it offers protection, but it also stimulates the thyroid to help clean up the radiated cells.

Radiation exposure is a cumulative event. One x-ray wont cause much damage, but one x-ray a week for a lifetime will. The Curies who invented x-rays died of over exposure to radiation as they didn’t understand fully how to harness the power and protect themselves. Healthcare workers such as myself who are around radiation where lead vests and track their radiation to minimize exposure. It is important to minimize your exposure as much as possible in the entire lifetime. Eat organic, live healthy, breathe clean air, and try not to get too many x-rays!

There are many other herbs and nutrition remedies offered to help with radiation, however you should investigate these fully and consult with a qualified physician before beginning.

Ask your Chiropractor, Health Coach today! Call our office today at (908) 813-8200 or complete our easy online form to schedule an initial consultation.

Dr. James Fedich

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