Friday, February 22, 2013

Your Health, your pH, your Body

Ancient Chinese medicine has long stressed the balance between food and body acid alkaline balance and what that means to our health. 

The basic tenant of this theory is that the body is meant to work on a neutral or even slightly alkaline pH. pH is a measure of how much acid vs alkaline our body or any matter is. The scientific neutral pH is seven, a pH of seven indicates neutral pH which means that the matter is nephrite acidic or alkaline. What we have found in recent years, is that most people diets are acidic, contains acidic foods such as sweets, processed foods, salt, caffeine, soda, etc, etc. Proteins are also very acidic and eating the amount of meat we do these days will make our acid go even higher. For many years, ancient medicine has told us that having an acidic pH will lead to stress on the body, leading to a decreased ability to deal with oxidation stress, and make us more prone to disease.

These theories have been around for a long time, however, only recently has modern medicine and the nutritional community began to embrace these concepts. pH is a simple, easy to do test people can do at home, it take two seconds, only uses saliva and can reveal our balance. We have found recently that this test can be a good starting point to evaluate your health and chance of sickness or disease. The more stressed your body is nutritional and chemically, the lower your pH, higher your acid, and the more likely you will be sick, and even overweight.

Further studies have shown that not only can having an acidic body make you more likely to suffer with sickness, an acidic body can also lead to weight gain. If your body is acidic, it is less likely able to deal with stress, handle toxins, and proper functionally. If your body cannot deal with toxins and oxidation stress, it stores the toxins in fat cells. This causes the body to store more fat cells in order to deal with the extra toxins. Thus, the more acidic you are, the more toxic you are, the less healthy you are, and the more weight you will gain.

The ability to easily monitor and decipher body pH has opened up many new industries. Alkaline water machines have become increasingly popular recently, and many and many nutritional supplements have been marketed to affect the same outcome. While many of these products do have merit, the easiest way to lower your pH and increase your health is to eat more raw fruits and vegetables, stay away from processed foods, limit your protein intake, particularly red meat, drink more water, less alcohol, less caffeine and eat organic. Most of these tips people already know, but know we know why and how to measure if its working.

The other neat thing about pH testing is that you can change your diet, supplements, lifestyle, etc, and remeasure your pH and see if its working. No more wondering! The easiest way to measure your pH is a saliva pH test. You simply put the strip in your mouth in the morning before you eat, and match the color to the chart! It couldn't be any easier, and it is very inexpensive. You can also have your doctor measure your blood chemistry pH when you go for your blood work, and there are even urine pH tests. So, get your pH tested, if you find it is below 7, change your diet and supplements and lifestyle, then retest in a month and see what you find. Its a very inexpensive easy way to measure your health and improve your life!

Dr. James R. Fedich is a certified Health Coach, Professional Speaker and Chiropractor in Northwest New Jersey. Dr Fedich has done consulting for companies such as UPS, has written many health articles, and maintains a private chiropractic practice in Allamuchy, NJ. Dr Fedich treats patients. To Contact Dr. Fedich for public speaking, writing, or chiropractic, you can reach him via email at, or call his main office at (908) 813-8200 for a fun interview

Dr. James Fedich

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