Thursday, February 28, 2013

Small Town Doctor Releases Confidential Car Accident Report

“Small Town Doctor Releases Confidential Car Accident Report”

(Allamuchy, NJ) March 10, 2010. A small town Allamuchy doctor has written and is releasing a confidential car accident victim report entitled “What the insurance companies don’t want you to know about auto accidents” and is offering it to local residents for a limited time.

Every 13 minutes someone is killed in an auto accident in the United States. In fact, death by accident is the number one cause of deaths for people 20 to 35. In addition to these sobering statistics, 2.9 million people are injured every year in auto accidents. Some of these injuries are minor, some are very major and require surgery. Unfortunately for many, they do not always get the right treatments they need.

“Often people have an auto accident, don’t realize the extent of their injuries till months or even years later, stated Dr Fedich, “ and then the problems can be so severe the cant be helped, or they will have to pay for care out of their own pocket.

There are currently thousands of auto accident victims who are living a life of misery and pain because they did not learn their rights and options as auto accident victims. Dr Fedich’s new report answers these questions. To get a copy of his free report entitled, “What you need to know if you have been in an auto accident,” call the toll free recorded hotline at 1-866-760-2383.

Dr. James Fedich

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What does Health Reform mean to you?

National Health Reform is a law now, and what exactly that will mean for all of us, doctors and patients, is yet to be seen. One thing for sure is that things will change.

I do agree that insurance companies have gotten out of control and are too often dictating peoples health care choices. The Health insurance companies started the trend of people giving control of their health to someone else. Originally, people were responsible for their own health. They took care of themselves best they could, and when things went wrong, they paid a doctor to fix them. Then, health insurance companies came around and took over that responsibility for patients. Patients could do whatever they wanted, not worry much about their health and the health insurance companies would pick up the tab. That model stayed around for a while, until the health insurance companies realized it was getting out of control expensive. So, instead of trying to get people to assume the responsibility for their health, they now cut services, cut doctors fees, and limit care. Well, after about fifteen years of this, we finally got fed up, doctors and patients.

So, good old uncle sam has come in to save the day. So, with our new plan of heath care coming down the works, we have decided to pass along the responsibility of our health to the government. We went from controlling our own healht, to letting insurance companies control our health, to now letting uncle sam control our health. I dont know about you, but I dont see too many things the government runs too well. I am certainly not going to entrust them with my health. NO WAY!

So, where does this leave us? The details of the heath reform bill will take years to come out, and the effects we wont know for a while. One thing is for certain, we traded one giant corrupt organizaiton for another larger, more corrupt one. This is the time when we need to take back the responsibility for our health. Who will pay when a major issues strikes is important, but we cannot continue to let someone else be in charge of our health. It is way too important. It is the time to take back our health.

While I understad the economy is not what it used to be, as always, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Start exercising every day, stop eating flour and sugar, eat more fruits and vegetables, take a good quality supplement every day, take of your body now, before you end up in trouble down the road and have to rely on the government to fix it. Trust me, that is not going to work out too well. Spend a little time, money and energy getting your health back now, before its too late!

Dr James Fedich has been named to NJ Top Docs for a third consecutive year.  Village Family Chiropractic is the answer you have been looking for to end your pain, with a comprehensive approach not available anywhere in the area. The office serves residents in Hackettstown, Allamuchy, Mansfield, Andover, Independence, Green, Newtown, Mount Olive, Budd Lake, Long Valley, and more. The office is located in the Panther Valley Mall, Allamuhcy, NJ. The office is located less than 1 mile off exit 19 from Route 80. For more information, call the office at 908-813-8200, or visit them on their website:

Dr. James Fedich

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hackettstown Chiropractor ends all types of pain

Dr James R Fedich is the Hackettstown area expert at ending all types of pain. In fact, his office Village Family Chiropractic, in Allamuchy New Jersey, is Warren Counties leader in pain relief and busiest and best reviewed office in the county. Village Family Chiropractic is not just an ordinary chiropractic office, it is unlike any office we have ever seen! Village Family Chiropractic has two on staff chiropractors, Dr James R Fedich, the founder and owner, and Dr Robert Kehler, a Hackettstown, NJ Graduate.  The office also boost a certified physical therapist and massage therapy.

Hackettstown Chiropractor ends all types of pain

“We are please to offer the most state of the art care in the Warren County area’,” stated DrFedich. DrFedich’s office features the most advance and state of the art equipment in the area, with Warrant Counties only DRX 9000 spinal decompression machine. This machine is the definitive answer for low back disc bulges and spinal stenosis. In addition to having the only machine in Warren County, the office takes insurance coverage for the treatment, unlike most other offices. In addition to this amazing technology, the office also features cold laser treatment. Cold laser is the newest and best anti inflammation treatment. This means it gets rid of swelling just about anywhere and better than other treatments available. The cold laser is able to penetrate the skin 5cm deep, more than 3 times conventional treatments. This therapy is amazing for tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain, elbow pain, ankle pain, shoulder pain, and low back and neck pain. 

In addition to these amazing therapies, the office offers one to one individual physical therapy session to help rehab tough injuries and get you strengthened and feeling better. Chiropractic care is of course a big part of the office, with two doctors and appointments available until 7pm 4 days a week, and they are open every Saturday. In recognition of his work, Dr James Fedich has been named to NJ Top Docs for a third consecutive year.  Village Family Chiropractic is the answer you have been looking for to end your pain, with a comprehensive approach not available anywhere in the area. The office serves residents in Hackettstown, Allamuchy, Mansfield, Andover, Independence, Green, Newtown, Mount Olive, Budd Lake, Long Valley, and more. The office is located in the Panther Valley Mall, Allamuhcy, NJ. The office is located less than 1 mile off exit 19 from Route 80. For more information, call the office at 908-813-8200, or visit them on their website:

Dr. James Fedich

Friday, February 22, 2013

Your Health, your pH, your Body

Ancient Chinese medicine has long stressed the balance between food and body acid alkaline balance and what that means to our health. 

The basic tenant of this theory is that the body is meant to work on a neutral or even slightly alkaline pH. pH is a measure of how much acid vs alkaline our body or any matter is. The scientific neutral pH is seven, a pH of seven indicates neutral pH which means that the matter is nephrite acidic or alkaline. What we have found in recent years, is that most people diets are acidic, contains acidic foods such as sweets, processed foods, salt, caffeine, soda, etc, etc. Proteins are also very acidic and eating the amount of meat we do these days will make our acid go even higher. For many years, ancient medicine has told us that having an acidic pH will lead to stress on the body, leading to a decreased ability to deal with oxidation stress, and make us more prone to disease.

These theories have been around for a long time, however, only recently has modern medicine and the nutritional community began to embrace these concepts. pH is a simple, easy to do test people can do at home, it take two seconds, only uses saliva and can reveal our balance. We have found recently that this test can be a good starting point to evaluate your health and chance of sickness or disease. The more stressed your body is nutritional and chemically, the lower your pH, higher your acid, and the more likely you will be sick, and even overweight.

Further studies have shown that not only can having an acidic body make you more likely to suffer with sickness, an acidic body can also lead to weight gain. If your body is acidic, it is less likely able to deal with stress, handle toxins, and proper functionally. If your body cannot deal with toxins and oxidation stress, it stores the toxins in fat cells. This causes the body to store more fat cells in order to deal with the extra toxins. Thus, the more acidic you are, the more toxic you are, the less healthy you are, and the more weight you will gain.

The ability to easily monitor and decipher body pH has opened up many new industries. Alkaline water machines have become increasingly popular recently, and many and many nutritional supplements have been marketed to affect the same outcome. While many of these products do have merit, the easiest way to lower your pH and increase your health is to eat more raw fruits and vegetables, stay away from processed foods, limit your protein intake, particularly red meat, drink more water, less alcohol, less caffeine and eat organic. Most of these tips people already know, but know we know why and how to measure if its working.

The other neat thing about pH testing is that you can change your diet, supplements, lifestyle, etc, and remeasure your pH and see if its working. No more wondering! The easiest way to measure your pH is a saliva pH test. You simply put the strip in your mouth in the morning before you eat, and match the color to the chart! It couldn't be any easier, and it is very inexpensive. You can also have your doctor measure your blood chemistry pH when you go for your blood work, and there are even urine pH tests. So, get your pH tested, if you find it is below 7, change your diet and supplements and lifestyle, then retest in a month and see what you find. Its a very inexpensive easy way to measure your health and improve your life!

Dr. James R. Fedich is a certified Health Coach, Professional Speaker and Chiropractor in Northwest New Jersey. Dr Fedich has done consulting for companies such as UPS, has written many health articles, and maintains a private chiropractic practice in Allamuchy, NJ. Dr Fedich treats patients. To Contact Dr. Fedich for public speaking, writing, or chiropractic, you can reach him via email at, or call his main office at (908) 813-8200 for a fun interview

Dr. James Fedich

Thursday, February 21, 2013

What You Need To Know About Whole Body Vibration Therapy

The origins of whole body therapy is very interesting. The problem of bone and muscle loss during prolonged space missions by american and Russian cosmonauts. 

Basically, gravity makes our muscles and bones regrow and strengthen. A simple law called wolfs law states the bone responds to stress by laying down more bone. Bone is lost every day, due to re-absorption and just the body constantly replacing its cells. However, new bone will only grow and increase with stress. Muscles work the same way. Everyone know that if you do resistance exercises, muscles will grow. If you are not active, then muscles atrophy, or shrink.

Well, in space, these two natural stressed are virtually removed due to low gravity. The space programs had to figure out a way to induce stress to the muscles and bones of the cosmonauts or, severe bone and muscle loss would damage, or even kill them.

The soviet union was the first to implement whole body vibration therapy. Upon the first experiment, soviet cosmonauts were able to be in space for over a year, 420 days, without any signification health effects from space. The Americans who did not use the whole body vibration, only lasted 120 days and had to quit due to severe muscle weakness and lowered bone density.

Whole body vibration uses a machine, with a vibration plate on the bottom, that people stand on, and can exercise on, that produces constant vibration. The machine basically oscillates, either in left to right motion, or 360 degree motion. This places stress on the bones, muscles and ligaments. The small movement causes the body to make thousands of muscle contractions per second, just to stand still on the machine. The person can then do specific exercises, or positions which stress different areas of the body.

In terms of muscles contractions and stress to the muscles and bones, 10 minutes of vibration therapy is equal to 60 mins of jogging outside. Best yet, you barely move on the machine, and probably wont even break a sweat. Vibration therapy is great for exercise, but it it can also be used to specifically treat or rehab muscles that are weak, due to a physical problem, or illness or disease.

Some conditions that have been successfully treated with whole body vibration include: emphysema, multiple sclerosis, ALS, osteoporosis, arthritis, lower back pain, neck pain, pelvic instability, excess body fat, cellulite, and stress.

Whole body vibration is a great exercise and a great therapy. However, the therapy is not for everyone. You should consult a physician before beginning any program. If the following conditions apply to you, vibration therapy may not be for you, unless cleared by your doctor: pacemaker, epilepsy, pregnancy, heart problems, hip, knee, or shoulder implants, herniated discs, diabetes, hernia, tumor, infection, surgery, and some other spinal conditions.

Whole body vibration therapy can be tremendously beneficial if undertaken in a supervised facilely  with proper direction. Please consults a physician before beginning any new exercise or rehab program.

Dr. James R. Fedich has been practicing in Northwest NJ for over 5 years and has taken a special interest in patients with chronic pain. He is an author for chirorpractic economics and frequent public speaker and has done health evaluation for UPS and other large companies. To Contact Dr. Fedich for public speaking, writing, or chiropractic, you can reach him via email at, or call his main office at (908) 813-8200 for a fun interview

Dr. James Fedich

New Technology for Medical care suppliers Intends to Make Lifestyle Much easier and Cost-effective!

A just practising medical professional in northwest New Jersey was also used as researching the future outstanding beauty message, advertising piece, client letter, note letter, workplace form or strategy and also able to not discover what normally he was seeking for. He uncovered on his own designing a lot of these forms from parts, spending several hours that he has become caring for patients, and also operating from home each time he might have been taking the time with his family and friends. In other cases, he located himself buying these kind of components from experts and organizations, paying too much for items at all times! As he improved his data source of internet marketing components, appeal letters, types, letters, etc for his technique, he gained a greater number of requirements for his forms and paper-work for his work mates. 

Once more of his family and friends and partner observed regarding his important forms, he noticed himself taking e mail inquiries at any time, transmitting attachments after attachments. He decided now there needed to be an easier way. Also, the physician believed there needs to be an award for everybody the exercise making papers, when you didn’t have got to e mail each one of these personally, that is going to work superb! So, the very young doc joined with Marvelous Cloud Treatments as well as created the webpage, . The web site permits medical doctors, or any other health-related suppliers to publish PowerPoint, excel files, word files, set a explanation, custom logo, and key phrase, and selling price, and collection it to purchase. Retailers also have the option to seek out, shop for with direct download and read of further documentation equipment. There are actually not at all subscribe service fees to make a start got actually buy or sales agreement, just for now, for the reason that the web pages is new and innovative. A charge is billed of each one transaction to covering expenditure.
DocsPayDocs was created in 2013 by Dr James R . Fedich, who furthermore launched the independent business monitoring and graphing app, . DrFedich accessible for responses using his mail . Much more information is available at

Dr. James Fedich

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Amazing New App Allows Businessperson to Carry out the track and Grow on the run

ALLAMUCHY TWP . ( Nov . 17 , 2012 ) - Dr . James Fedich continues a successful chiropractic care clinic in Northwest New Jersey . During the time of he would probably want to supervise amount of normal daily tasks in his place of work , it definitely was quite hard because he has other responsibilities as well .

“There were certain components of the enterprise firm that I wasn’t be capable to without difficulty pick up since I realised I was not able to be in the work area at all times ,” he said .

Dr . Fedich , the littlest contributing member of the Organization of New Jersey Chiropractors State Board as well as a endorsed publisher , started researching an APP designed to support him in his job but then found that at this time there wasn’t anyone . As a result he arrived at a decision to identify an individual in person .

iBiz Stats App

It have taken out couple of months of experiments before iBiz Stats , was developed . It is actually nowadays sold in the market .
iBiz Stats is the worlds first of all also just cell phone program that helps you bear your company away with you in your own wallet , are able to keep track of additionally chart it , wherever all around earth ! Every single day info is going to be collected on a single equipment and shared in other spots throughout the world on another one . Entrepreneurs are able to keep track of daily choices , users , agreements , that which you may easily assume . If you will want , you are able to generate the information and facts into printable latest reviews including stock charts .

“Owners have the opportunity to notice exactly how their service provider is working on 24/7 , anywhere that you will be ,” said Dr . Fedich . “You will surely have your workplace supervisor type in daily statistics on the office ipad tablet , analysis them , and print out graphs on your iphone fifty percent the entire world away if that’s where you stand !”

iBiz Stats App

Among the specified tools in iBiz Stats are :

-Webserver Info memory space will allow you to view data files anywhere , record are stored on the web , not by yourself hardware
-Print as well as take a look at awesome finish color selection stock charts that assist you observe the easiest method your own business is performing in simple to follow whole colors
-Print as well as look at the info in statistics lay-out , evaluate 100 % full week to , per month , or every year
-You select the alternative classifications ! Capture whatever you would prefer , choices , affected people , insurance plans , chances done , quotations , conditions , everything that is definitely monitored by number
-Track several enterprise even potential clients from single one application , basically logout after that log in as before !

Dr . Fedich , whose Place Chiropractic care organization is amongst the so many appreciating in North Jersey , year or two before released the book , “What Your Doctor Never Told You About…( Aches , Strains , and Back Pains ) . He carries furthermore supervised a clinically related Television program , “Ask Dr . Jim .”
iBiz Stats is now available in apple itunes at https ://itunes .apple .com/us/app/ibiz-stats/id564110407 ?mt=8
To find out more on iBiz Stats , visit , or just email info@ibizstats .com